that’s why they call us clever health!
using the unique link provided by your organization or by going directly to the app or google play stores, clever health can be seamlessly downloaded.
if a user is eligible they will access the clever health app by entering their last name, date of birth, and zip code. dependents over the age of 18 must download their own clever health app.
select the family member who is ready to receive care in an easier, faster, better, convenient, more affordable way.
now is the time to choose: dive into an ai-driven urgent care visit, search the price of your prescriptions, schedule primary care, start a mental health visit, and more.
async urgent care visit: you will be prompted to begin the ai-driven questionnaire
prescription pricing: type the name of the drug you’d like to price in the “search prescriptions” bar
mental health support: send your first message to begin chatting with bella
and more!
care completed √
money saved on rx's √
mental health supported √
it’s time to share the savings forward with your friends and family! even if they are not a part of your health plan, independent users can still access many of the clever health smart virtual care™ suite of services–and at a MUCH lower cost!